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Chi parteciperà al Festival di Sanremo? Tra poco i nomi

Scritto da on 10 Dicembre 2020

Questa sera, su Rai Uno, Amadeus svelerà i volti dei Big che parteciperanno al Festival di Sanremo 2021. Da molte settimane (come ogni anno, d’altronde) non si fa altro che parlare dell’attesissima kermesse canora che vede come palcoscenico quello del Teatro Ariston. Si è ampiamente discusso su quando si sarebbe svolta e su chi sarebbero […]

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The Complete Definition Of The Music

Scritto da on 21 Maggio 2016

Music is a form of art that involves organized and audible sounds and silence. It is normally expressed in terms of pitch (which includes melody and harmony), rhythm (which includes tempo and meter), and the quality of sound (which includes timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture). Music may also involve complex generative forms in time through […]

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This Is What Live Music Looked Like Last Week

Scritto da on 18 Maggio 2016

We had some truly stellar photos come out of our photographers this week, as they attended shows from Vance Joy, Ball Park Music, Matt Corby and Groovin The Moo sideshows, with the common theme being some amazing light shows. As Forbes notes, in the missive, Sixx and bandmates James Michael and DJ Ashba implore YouTube […]

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What We Loved At Winter TechnoFest

Scritto da on 18 Maggio 2016

Like any music, jazz has its revolutions; its sudden incidents in infrastructure; its disruptive presences of unprecedented sound. Mostly it’s slower than that, though, with years and generations of accretions before it seems to call for new vocabulary. That’s one way to look at Winter Rockfest, whose latest incarnation occupied a dozen or so venues […]

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The State Of D.C. Hardcore

Scritto da on 18 Maggio 2016

At 9 p.m. on a Friday in February, Watson was standing outside of La Casa, a micro-church and community center — whose main chapel is the size of your parents’ spacious living room — nestled next to a tienda in Washington, D.C.’s Mount Pleasant neighborhood. Inside, a hardcore punk band called Unknown Threat had just […]

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Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”

Scritto da on 18 Maggio 2016

Track appears in new box set… A new box set showcasing recordings Captain Beefheart made in the early Seventies is due for release. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Sun Zoom Spark: 1970 To 1972 features newly remastered versions of three albums that Beefheart and the Magic Band released […]

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